
Its all sort of a game, really, when I think about it. Everyone you meet leaves some sort of imprint on you psychologically. Maybe a wrinkle in your brain from knowledge gained, a wrinkle of your forehead from induced stress, or a wrinkle in time from the frenzy of intimate encounters moving so quickly.
All impressions last forever whether negative or positive they help shape who you are right now. Every one. Ever since you were a child.
I imagine that my subconscious is like clay and there is thousands of fingerprints all over from these encounters molding me into me. Maybe one side has a huge dent from some sort of trauma. And maybe one side has a burn mark from being used or abandoned. But its all part of me now.

I wonder who’s soul has my fingerprints? Who’s soul has a imprint of my fist in its surface? Who have I burnt? Maybe there is imprints of my palm on a few where I tried my hardest to smooth out the dents that someone else left?

I wonder who I’ve influenced and who has turned their past negative encounters with me into something positive?

Its a game you play throughout life whether you like it or not. Like a walking jigsaw puzzle disassembled, looking to see if we fit in others lives. Hoping pieces of us stay. Hoping to find places to hide pieces of us.

Usually nothing fits and we never see them again. Or we try to force it for a few days or weeks and inevitably fall free.
But sometimes they pick up our clay and leave fingerprints and palm marks where they tried to sooth our damage.
