
I suggest you go for more walks.

Theres an invaluable wisdom there that I think more people need to be exposed to.
It forces you to slow down and pay attention to things you normally wouldn’t. Like how most of the stains in the road are actually blood from various animals. But theres so many wooden crosses lining the road that theres a good possibility that some of these dark spots arent from animals. Or how the 10 year old up the street is ALWAYS outside. But hes not playing or exploring, hes just afraid of what goes on inside. You know this because you can hear some of it as you walk by. He probably sees the police more than he sees his father. Or how many people are sleeping behind the building you watched a lady raise hell in yesterday because they raised the price on her soda .35 cents.

It makes you feel weak and incredibly strong at the same time. It humbles you. Life goes by so fucking fast. You should pay more attention to it. You should go for more walks.


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