
The main problem is that we live in an age where instant gratification is so ubiquitous and familiar that I believe it’s breaking away at our fortitude towards things that are more genuine and important. If you want to define a certain word, or find out who sings the song you listening to for the first time, or find the name of a 15th century Greco-Romanian painter, or quickly order a new part for your broken lawnmower, or even link up with a complete stranger for meaningless sex, we can typically find all these things within a few minutes right at our fingertips.
    But things that are more lasting and (in my opinion) necessary for any type of survival of the human soul, still have no short cuts and still require a lot of patience and work. Emotional, spiritual and physical health, love and lasting relationships with friends, family and significant others, financial comfort….. These things still require years of hard work that many living today have just completely lost the patience for. It seems to me that people no longer crave anything thats not convenient give up so easily when they don’t see direct results right away.

   This is indicative of a generation that is just plain fucking lazy and spoiled. If we cant get what we want right when we want it then we just give up and convice ourselves that its not worth it or that its not important.
And thats just plain pathetic to me.


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