
Take particular notice to the silence and stillness of others. It is these non-actions that expose the true colors of anothers soul.  Not the things that they tell you, but the things they cant seem to. Not what they do, but things that have never been considered. It is the negative spaces of a person that paint the greatest picture. The silence, unintentionally placed, exposes a divergence. It proves true capabilities or complete lack thereof.
Once you present these lack of details to the canvas of another’s life, an entirely different picture emerges. The blank spaces where hands never reached out, or the identical silences before “I’m sorry” and “I love you” as if equally embarassed or ashamed of both. When applied to the canvas, these blank areas create something a bit more sinister. Like the whites of a wolf’s eyes right before striking, just moments before all the blood.

Take great heed in the lack of motion and language in others; Words that never reach the tongue cannot be tainted by sophisms or lies and what lacks movement naturally can not elude.


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